There are those of us that have a plan, and idea, a final destination in life...and some of us need a little more help.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

ART: 7 Careers for a big picture job Seeker

Article brought to me By LAT: Always interesting to understand the complications of maneuvering around the job market.

7 careers for big picture job seekers

Abridged: Los Angeles Times

LOS ANGELES, CA -- Ever notice how almost everybody says they're "detail-oriented" on their LinkedIn profile? You would think it was the most prized skill for every single person, in every single job. But what if you're not detail-oriented? What if you are good at seeing the forest (forget those trees!)? Don't cower in shame: you've got abig-picture career skill that can win over the detail-oriented people any day.
As a big-picture person, it's not that you ignore details--you're just drawn to ideas first. You have the ability to synthesize lots of information into one holistic vision. You've got a mind for wide-angle, strategic thinking. You are good at spotting the latest trends. So celebrate your visionary skills, and check out these prime career choices:
1. Entrepreneur - Average salary: Highly varied
2. Fashion Stylist - Average salary: $82,000
3. Software Architect - Average salary: $93,000
4. Campaign Manager - Average salary: $84,000
5. Life Coach - Average Salary: $46,000
6.Organizational Development Consultant - Average salary: $99,000
7. Futurist - Average salary: $72,000

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Top 5 toughest interview questions

Its common place to understand why we may fall short in utilizing best practices when it comes to interviewing. At times interviewees believe that they should give the response interviewers want to here. When in truth; that's all they want, the absolute truth. How can you sell yourself as to candidate  a by exploiting your weakness? How can you deliver your worth when responding to those tough to answer questions?  It can be done, but it start with your ability to feel comfortable enough to answer those tough ones. Elizabeth- thanks for this useful resource;

Top 5 tough to answer interview questions: This is a starting point for many. I've already reviewed this material several times.

Top 5 Interview questions: Control your destiny

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How to get hired with a startup company

While speaking with my career counsler " which I recommend every professional to to do at least once in there career" We came up on a very interesting and benificial article on how to get hired by a startup company. The potiential with a startup can very from finacially amazing to feeling finacially neglected. Just know almost every company started out from scratch.The support staff thats willing to fight through the tough times will lends themselfs to reap the rewards of true success and finacial freedom.  Every hear of a company called Fedex, that company started out as a college term paper that recieved a C-. Check out this article, great read and more to come...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Are you Visual

A very important part of today's society is how visual every option is. From people to products, employer or business owner want to see the quality of the asset there dollars are paying for.

This is an important tool for you to understand, this could be the difference between getting and maintaining a job.- beware of your social media outlets for they can build you up as well as bring you down. Be professional or set your security to keep your private matters private.

Exploit your work through the lines of social media site such as linked in, twitter, Facebook ( a professional page) and blogs. All are free and very accessible.  Remember an employee may see you as a candidate with extraordinary potential. You may be the next asset that can turn that company around. Double the work, access these tools, they could be looking for you while you’re looking for them.

The Work starts Now..

I tend to preach working hard early in life. The idea position is that once your are a little older you want to be in the position financially to relax a little and enjoy life. the hard work pays off but as previously stated in an earlier post, networking will get you there a little quicker. Remember at all times you are your own business, your work ethnic and Punch to become successful should drive you into the positions to life a good flexible life in the workplace. No matter what it take get yourself through the pain of entry level work.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Set up for sucess

As a job hunter looking for that job with great benefit's and pay that satisfies your need you must remember several things. With a great job come great responsibility. Employer sometimes look at personal items that could potentially cost you your job.
-Fix your (facebook), (Myspace) accounts.. Mark them as private if there are issues that could have your employer question your judgement.
- Fix Credit- Sometimes employers run your credit if the job requires you to manage funds.
-E-mail- Make sure your email portrays you as a professional Example: bigboyToy2124@hotmail, Example: lilshortygrillz@hotmail. = These emails would have employers question them as a candidate. Its OK to have personal e-mails just keep them personal.

College is over whats next.....

Once your last class is over there is usually a some kind of wait time on getting started with a job that you would deem a career. The most important thing to remember is that most students do not follow there studies when attempting to make long term income- So finding a job that is not what you studied in college is typically the norm. Find the income and set yourself up with the option to be flexible while pursuing the job of your dreams. Just remember this requirs lots of work and dedication on you.