There are those of us that have a plan, and idea, a final destination in life...and some of us need a little more help.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Set up for sucess

As a job hunter looking for that job with great benefit's and pay that satisfies your need you must remember several things. With a great job come great responsibility. Employer sometimes look at personal items that could potentially cost you your job.
-Fix your (facebook), (Myspace) accounts.. Mark them as private if there are issues that could have your employer question your judgement.
- Fix Credit- Sometimes employers run your credit if the job requires you to manage funds.
-E-mail- Make sure your email portrays you as a professional Example: bigboyToy2124@hotmail, Example: lilshortygrillz@hotmail. = These emails would have employers question them as a candidate. Its OK to have personal e-mails just keep them personal.

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