There are those of us that have a plan, and idea, a final destination in life...and some of us need a little more help.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Top 5 toughest interview questions

Its common place to understand why we may fall short in utilizing best practices when it comes to interviewing. At times interviewees believe that they should give the response interviewers want to here. When in truth; that's all they want, the absolute truth. How can you sell yourself as to candidate  a by exploiting your weakness? How can you deliver your worth when responding to those tough to answer questions?  It can be done, but it start with your ability to feel comfortable enough to answer those tough ones. Elizabeth- thanks for this useful resource;

Top 5 tough to answer interview questions: This is a starting point for many. I've already reviewed this material several times.

Top 5 Interview questions: Control your destiny

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