There are those of us that have a plan, and idea, a final destination in life...and some of us need a little more help.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Set up for sucess

As a job hunter looking for that job with great benefit's and pay that satisfies your need you must remember several things. With a great job come great responsibility. Employer sometimes look at personal items that could potentially cost you your job.
-Fix your (facebook), (Myspace) accounts.. Mark them as private if there are issues that could have your employer question your judgement.
- Fix Credit- Sometimes employers run your credit if the job requires you to manage funds.
-E-mail- Make sure your email portrays you as a professional Example: bigboyToy2124@hotmail, Example: lilshortygrillz@hotmail. = These emails would have employers question them as a candidate. Its OK to have personal e-mails just keep them personal.

College is over whats next.....

Once your last class is over there is usually a some kind of wait time on getting started with a job that you would deem a career. The most important thing to remember is that most students do not follow there studies when attempting to make long term income- So finding a job that is not what you studied in college is typically the norm. Find the income and set yourself up with the option to be flexible while pursuing the job of your dreams. Just remember this requirs lots of work and dedication on you.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Networking allows your professional career to develop by increasing your limits of control and total advantage in your career development.
*Everyone one you meet professionally or personally is  potentially a future connection.
*Pro-bono work or giving advice can set up your list of favors that one day can be redeemed.