There are those of us that have a plan, and idea, a final destination in life...and some of us need a little more help.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

ART: 7 Careers for a big picture job Seeker

Article brought to me By LAT: Always interesting to understand the complications of maneuvering around the job market.

7 careers for big picture job seekers

Abridged: Los Angeles Times

LOS ANGELES, CA -- Ever notice how almost everybody says they're "detail-oriented" on their LinkedIn profile? You would think it was the most prized skill for every single person, in every single job. But what if you're not detail-oriented? What if you are good at seeing the forest (forget those trees!)? Don't cower in shame: you've got abig-picture career skill that can win over the detail-oriented people any day.
As a big-picture person, it's not that you ignore details--you're just drawn to ideas first. You have the ability to synthesize lots of information into one holistic vision. You've got a mind for wide-angle, strategic thinking. You are good at spotting the latest trends. So celebrate your visionary skills, and check out these prime career choices:
1. Entrepreneur - Average salary: Highly varied
2. Fashion Stylist - Average salary: $82,000
3. Software Architect - Average salary: $93,000
4. Campaign Manager - Average salary: $84,000
5. Life Coach - Average Salary: $46,000
6.Organizational Development Consultant - Average salary: $99,000
7. Futurist - Average salary: $72,000